Kermit on a DECstation 3100

Cary E. Burnette kerm at
Sat Oct 20 07:15:14 AEST 1990


I just down-loaded the kermit distribution from Columbia
to compile on my DECstation. I was able to compile the
package without any changes, but received a few warnings.
The software seems to run fine, but I was wondering if
the warnings shown in the following log-file are going
to cause me any problems in the future? If they are, 
does anyone know of a patch to fix the problems. The Make
log-file is as follows:

make wermit "CFLAGS= -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG"
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckcmai.c
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckucmd.c
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckuusr.c
ccom: Warning: ckuusr.c, line 1129: illegal pointer combination
      	istat = signal(    2	,	((void (*)())( 1)));	
ccom: Warning: ckuusr.c, line 1130: illegal pointer combination
      	qstat = signal(   3	,	((void (*)())( 1))); 
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckuus2.c
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckuus3.c
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckwart.c
cc  -o wart ckwart.o
./wart ckcpro.w ckcpro.c
12 states, 39 actions
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckcpro.c
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckcfns.c
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckcfn2.c
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckucon.c
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckutio.c
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckufio.c
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckudia.c
ccom: Warning: ckudia.c, line 708: illegal pointer combination
          savAlrm = signal(  14	,dialtime); 
ccom: Warning: ckudia.c, line 709: illegal pointer combination
          if ( ( savInt = signal (     2	, 	((void (*)())( 1)) ) ) !
= 	((void (*)())( 1)) )
ccom: Warning: ckudia.c, line 709: illegal pointer combination
          if ( ( savInt = signal (     2	, 	((void (*)())( 1)) ) ) !
= 	((void (*)())( 1)) )
cc -DBSD4 -DDEBUG -DTLOG -c ckuscr.c
ccom: Warning: ckuscr.c, line 264: illegal pointer combination
      	saveAlm = signal(  14	,	((void (*)())( 1)));
cc  -o wermit ckcmai.o ckutio.o ckufio.o ckcfns.o  	 ckcfn2.o ckcpro.o ckucm
d.o ckuus2.o ckuus3.o ckuusr.o  	 ckucon.o ckudia.o ckuscr.o 

Thanks for any assistance

Cary Burnette   
(kerm at

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# North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University  #
# Department of Electrical Engineering                      #
# McNair Hall                                               #
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# (919)334-7760                                             #
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