Memory on VaxStation II/RC: wasted (frag) swap?

jay dubb jdubb at
Mon Apr 22 08:53:00 AEST 1991

   I am posting this for a friend of mine who doesn't have access
to USENET, so please respond directly to mlevin at

   I recently posted a question about my Vaxstation II/RC with Ultrix
4.1 - it seemed to be losing memory. Someone pointed out that it must
mean that the swap space is getting fragmented. Well, I did "pstat
-s", and it told me (I have 8 Megs of RAM in my machine, and an
RD54 hard disk, which is about 95% full):
25078k swap configured
11264k reserved virtual address space
	8451k used (3264k used, 0k smem)
	16627k free, 426k wasted, 0k missing
eval: 518+ 32k 51+1k
I have no idea what all of this means, but 426k wasted doesn't seem
good. Is all of this normal? If not, can it account for messages such
as "out of memory - saving everything" from things like DecWrite when
I have lots of processes running? If so, how do I fix it? The machine
has been rebooted today, btw. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

				Mike Levin (mlevin at

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