Problems Running SUN Open Windows clients on DEC-5000

Ditlef Martens usd at
Thu Jan 17 20:45:24 AEST 1991

We have problems running OpenWindows clients on a DECstation 5000 using
the DEC-windows X11 server.

Our configuration is as follows:
    DECstation 5000 running ULTRIX 4.0.
    Standard DECwindows configuration.
    XView fonts from SUN XView 2.0 compiled using bdftopcf.

Applications like cmdtool start up, but if we move the cmdtool window,
the application aborts with a bad atom error. We have tracked it
down to a byte swapping error in the client-event WM_TAKE_FOCUS.
XView will ask the server for name (XGetAtomName) of the Atom 9830400,
equal to the byte-swapped value of 150 (WM_TAKE_FOCUS).

Is that a server bug.. ?. Is it possible to avoid that error ??

Thank you !?
Ditlef Martens
ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts)
Shinfield Park, Reading   Phone: +44 734 499 000  Fax: .. 869 450
Berkshire RG2 9AX UK      usd at

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