Bind & SMTP problem

Mike Bell mb at
Thu Jan 24 05:41:44 AEST 1991

Could someone help answer the following questions:

1) How does SMTP mail user the resolver to query a BIND server?  Does it
strictly only query the defined nameserver or does it reissue queries to
the root name server?  If I have local,yp and bind defined in my svcorder
(or svc.conf) file, does SMTP mail query all or does it only query bind?

2) What effects would not having a root name server defined have on name
serving?  What types of queries are passed to the root name server? It is only
queries that fail that are forwarded to the root name server or can other
queries be forwarded?

3) I have several 3.1 D Ultrix DECstations (3100's and 2100's) and there
seems to be a bug in sendmail.  If I send mail to user at host.dom3.dom2.dom1
mail is delivered but if I send mail to user at host.dom1 where the sender
host is in the domain .dom2.dom1 mail is refused by the recipient.  The error
message inidcated that the host "refuses to talk to muself".  I believe that
the .dom2.dom1 is not appended to the user at host.dom1.  Can anyone shed any light
on this matter?  Has anyone run into this problem?


Dave Rajnauth

*** Please reply by mail to mb at as we don't normally 
*** carry the above newsgroups.

[I'm posting this for a colleague, Dave Rajnauth, who doesn't have 
net access. This isn't my area at all, so I hope the questions make
more sense to you than they do to me, and that I've posted to the 
correct newsgroups. Please tell me if they don't or I haven't!.]

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