New RISC compilers????

Greg Pavlov pavlov at canisius.UUCP
Sat Mar 16 16:33:35 AEST 1991

In article <15530012 at>, sritacco at (Steve Ritacco) writes:
> Hi,
> I have read that the DECstation 5000 SPEC mark went up to 19.something with
> "new" compilers.  Could someone tell me if the new compilers are DEC or
> Mips?
> Thanks.

  They're homebrews.  We purchased the VAX processor-based FORTRAN compiler
  when that came out, to get the extra "speed", courtesy of the VMS folks,
  I believe.

  While it may be unfair to say this (another processor, after all), the
  resulting experiences led me to adopt a "the extra SPECS ain't
  worth it" motto.  Lots of bugs, very slow fixes, and some rather arcane
  suggested workarounds (compile the errant routines in f77 and connect
  via the infamous "jacket" routines, for instance...).

  Overall, I would prefer that DEC simply kept up to date with MIPS.

  greg pavlov, fstrf, amherst, ny
  pavlov at

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