Looking for novice help system.

ldg at amy.skidmore.edu ldg at amy.skidmore.edu
Mon May 27 10:14:44 AEST 1991

I'm looking for leads on a decent on-line help facility for Unix...

To elaborate:

We are a VMS shop that's converting its users to Unix.   While Unix "man"
is fine for programmers and other very experienced users, I'd like something
friendlier and more elementary for novice users.

The ideal help system for novices need not cover all Unix commands and their
options, but should cover those most used by general users.  The command
explanations should be much less technical than MAN, and should include 
many more examples of how to use the commands. It should be locally extensible
both to permit local adaptation and to install information about local 
resources.  In addition to documenting commands, it should contain advice
keyed by common user questions (even if they don't exactly match the name of
a Unix command).

It must work both with video terminals (VT100/200/300/400 class) as well
as X11 devices.

PLEASE:  This is not a flame against Unix man pages.  I use man regularly
and find if quite useful.  At the same time, many novices and casual users
find them much too technical.  After all, they were intended as a "reference"
and not as a "tutorial".

Leo D. Geoffrion                  
Associate Director for             NYNEX:  (518) 584-5000 Ext. 2628
Academic Computing                BITNET:  LDG at SKIDMORE 
Skidmore College                Internet:  LDG at AMY.SKIDMORE.EDU
Saratoga Springs, NY  12866          

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