Does Ultrix 4.2 have "locale.h"

AJ Casamento ajc at
Wed May 29 23:01:33 AEST 1991

	Lyman Sheats writes:

	>> Does Ultrix 4.2 have "locale.h"?
	>> Could anyone running Ultrix 4.2 confirm?

  An ls of /usr/include on my workstation (running Ultrix 4.2 FT code that
  is one release shy of the shippable kit) does show a  "locale.h" .

  I hope that this helps.


      * AJ Casamento			"The question is not whether or    *
      * Digital's TRI/ADD Program	 not the opinions are mine; but    *
      * 100 Hamilton Ave. UCO1-B	 rather, which of my personalities *
      * Palo Alto, CA 94301-1616	 do they belong to?"		   *
      * 415.853.6744							   *
      * ajc at						   *

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