Why is Modem Control always disabled ???

Dietmar Weis weis at netmbx.UUCP
Fri May 24 22:31:41 AEST 1991

You enable it in the ttys file with "... on secure modem shared ...".
You verify it with "file /dev/tty??", it says "modem control on" or
"modem control off".

So now, you have the shared flag for use of the line for both outgoing
and incoming calls.
If you connect to the modem with cu, do sth eg. dial out and then quit the
cu session --> the modem control is off !!

Now you have to edit ttys and send init a kill -HUP a dozen times `til you 
finally managed it, to enable modem control again - until the next session
with cu.

What I wanna know is WHY is it so complicated, HOW can I work around this.
It`s also the same w/o the shared flag, that means turn getty on and off
for incoming and outgoing connections.

I really hate it; pls tell me that I`m doing sth wrong (and what) instead of
"you have to live with it, it`s the ugly tty driver".

(This occurs under Ultrix 3.1, 4.0 and 4.1 on at least MV2000, MV3900,
DSys3100 and DSys5100 at the local 25 pin serial port.)

Pls email, I`ll summarize if there is interest.

Thank you very much.

weis at netmbx.UUCP         | Dietmar Weis         DONOP CONSULT GmbH
Voice: 030/884 28 54-0   |                      Uhlandstrasse 179/180
Fax:   030/882 55 29     |                      D - 1000 Berlin 12

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