Televideo 950 termcap

utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!vax135!houxi!houxt!govern utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!vax135!houxi!houxt!govern
Fri Apr 2 15:36:56 AEST 1982

I have a mostly working termcap for the Televideo 950, and would appreciate
any contributions.  In vi, lines longer than 80 characters get munged if
they are the top line on the screen, but work ok otherwise.  (Sometimes
the cursor gets confused, but when you display the line due to a ^U or
other scrolling, the cursor is ok.)  I tried adding a :am: for automatic
margin control, but this munged long lines at the *bottom* of the screen
(e.g. anything that scrolled up from the bottom), and *always* confused
the cursor.  (Note that munging involved the display, but didn't
actually change the line in the buffer, so non-cursor problems are
only a minor annoyance.)
	This termcap seems to play rogue fairly well; it looks better
if you set the cursor to a blank or underline instead of a block.
	The termcap sets the terminal into 96-line page mode upon
exit, and plays similar games when doing :sh escapes from vi.

				Bill Stewart	201-577-5122
				ihnss!houxn!govern	BTL-FJ

#                                                               #
#                       Televideo 912 920 950                   #
#                                                               #
#       Televideo 950 comes with 96, 48, or 24 lines of memory.
#       I am defining 950 to mean 96-line, 950b to mean 48-line,
#       and 950c to mean 24-line.
v5|950|tvi950|televideo with 96 line memory:\
        :al=\EE:bs:bt=\EI:ce=\Et:cl=\E*:cm=\E=%+ %+ :\
v4|950b|tvi950b|televideo with 48-line memory:\
v3|950c|tvi950c|televideo with 24-line memory:\
# There are some tvi's that require incredible amounts of padding and
# some that don't.  I'm assuming 912 and 920 are the old slow ones,
# and 912b, 912c, 920b, 920c are the new ones that don't need padding.
v1|tvi912|912|920|tvi920|old televideo:\
v2|912b|912c|920b|920c|tvi|new televideo:\

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