TERMCAPS for v100 and long lines in vi

utzoo!decvax!harpo!seismo!rlgvax!guy utzoo!decvax!harpo!seismo!rlgvax!guy
Sun May 8 23:40:56 AEST 1983

The VT100 can run in two modes; autowrap and non-autowrap.  In non-autowrap
mode, it works like every other terminal does in non-autowrap mode (i.e.,
if a character is put in column 80, the cursor stays in column 80 and any
subsequent characters put without moving the cursor will overwrite it).  In
autowrap mode, if a character is put in column 80 the cursor moves to
some sort of "column 81", although it still displays as in column 80.
Any subsequent characters will cause the cursor to move to column 1 of the
next line (scrolling if necessary) BEFORE the character is displayed.  This
is probably so that auto-wrapping doesn't make line 24 column 80 useless
for full-screen programs, as it does on terminals which work "normally"
AND can't shut off auto-wrap.  A better solution might have been to leave
autowrap the way everyone else does it and simply have programs which
want to use line 24 column 80 (and why shouldn't they want to?) just
turn autowrap off.

What this does to "vi", I don't know, since I don't use "vi" except if
I need to look at a big file, but it might give you pointers where to look

BTW, our "pathaliases" file indicates you can go directly from "seismo"
to "cbosgd".

					Guy Harris
					RLG Corporation

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