Three cheers for Lauren's reply to GNU

crl at pur-ee.UUCP crl at pur-ee.UUCP
Mon Oct 10 09:56:08 AEST 1983

I will not take a stand on this issue other than to point out that
EMACS (ITS TECO version) was developed and distributed under the same
type of "public-domain" agreement that GNU proposed (however, EMACS
never asked for donations in terms of equipment or money).  Having used
ITS EMACS on a DEC-20, Gosling's on both VAXen and 11's, and
hearing about Montgomery's and CCA's versions, I estimate that the
original is at least an order of magnitude better.  (This is not to 
say I don't like the others, just that the original is better.)

Thus, a system like this can possibly work, but it's not necessarily a 
sure thing.

Charles LaBrec
UUCP:		pur-ee!Physics:crl, purdue!Physics:crl
INTERNET:	crl @ pur-phy.UUCP

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