Line turnaround?

John D. Irwin jdi at psuvax.UUCP
Fri Oct 21 09:32:09 AEST 1983

Excuse me, but I just saw some neat 'dz.c' kernel diffs in my new uucp code
which supposedly enable something called 'line turnaround'.  I'm guessing
that that means you can run one line between two computers and use uucp from
both sides, although it might not mean that at all.

And so I'm asking:
	#1:  Just what is line turnaround?
	#2:  How is it implemented, and how hard is it to do?

			John Irwin
			Pennsylvania State University
			{akgua, allegra, ihnp4, burdvax}!psuvax!jdi
			(814) 238-7556

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