Wanted: uda50/ra81 help

Mike Peterson mkp at scgvaxd.UUCP
Fri Apr 6 15:14:20 AEST 1984


I am posting this for a friend without a usenet feed --

We have a system with: VAX 11/750, a uda50/ra81, and 2 rl02's.  We are
trying to install 4.2BSD.  The changes to the uda50 driver from
sdccsu3!rusty (Article sdccsu3.1600 from February) helped, but we still
have problems.  The ra81 goes off line periodically, sometimes coming
back in about 5 minutes, other times never returning.  The following is
a list of the installed DEC ECOs on our uda50/ra81:

70-19062-01 Disk Drive 60HZ  F;           70-16741-00 Lower Chassis    P;
0H7660-A Power Supply        A2;          70-16723-02 Motor-Brake      C;
70-19044-01 HDA Assy         C;           70-16773-04 Logic Chassis    P;
54-15247-00 Microprocessor   K/B;         54-15249-00 Personality      F/B;
54-15251-00 Servo            H/B;         54-15253-00 Read/Write       D/B

Does anyone know of further changes to the driver or other ECOs which
should be installed? (The equipment was delivered last summer).

As I don't as yet have a usenet connection, please reply to:

	{allegra, sdcrdcf!trwrb}!scgvaxd!mkp

Mike Erlinger
Harvery Mudd College 
Computer Science Department

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