Charles LaBrec crl at pur-phy.UUCP
Fri Apr 27 03:04:29 AEST 1984

While it's true that Gosling's EMACS has no way to specify commands in
the file to be edited, that is not true for the original, ITS EMACS.
It's been a while, but I seem to remember two features:
	1) the string "-*-foo-*-" in the first few lines of a file specified
		the major mode to use, overriding the file extension.
	2) EMACS variables could be set by having something at the end of the
		file.  Since EMACS was interpreted TECO, I think TECO code
		could be placed there to be executed, but I'm not sure of
		this last part.

I very much liked and used these both.  One thing I think I remember using
was a "save and execute" command that PUSHed to new EXEC and ran your program
using a command stored in a variable called "compilation command".  This was
sometimes set differently if there were special switches, etc.

Charles LaBrec
UUCP:		pur-ee!Physics:crl, purdue!Physics:crl
INTERNET:	crl @ pur-phy.UUCP

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