Need information on DG RDOS "DUMP" format

jackm at ARDC.ARPA jackm at ARDC.ARPA
Fri Aug 24 21:01:50 AEST 1984

From:      Jack Moskowitz (PAD) <jackm at ARDC.ARPA>

>From a very old DG RDOS Reference Manual.

Dump files are formatted into the following types of blocks:
1)	Name blocks - 377
2)	Data blocks - 376
3)	ERror blocks - 375
4)	End blocks - 374
5)	Time blocks - 373
6)	Link data blocks - 372

These formats are given in the following illustrations:
1)	Name block
	block id 1 byte 377
	attributes 2 bytes
	No of contiguous blocks only if contiguous characteristic set 2 bytes
	filename 10 bytes
	terminator (null)

2)	data block
	block id 1 byte 376
	byte count 2 bytes
	checksum (wc mod 2 + tot contents all full words) 2 bytes
	data n bytes
	no terminator

3)	error block
	block id 1 byte 375

4)	end block
	block id 1 byte 374

5)	time block (follows name block wxcept on links)
	block id 1 byte 373
	julian day last access (opened) since 1/1/68 2 bytes
	julian day created 2 bytes
	time created left byte = hour, right byte = min created 2 bytes
	no terminator

6)	link data block (follows name block on link)
	block id 1 byte 372
	alternate dir name(if any) followed by null variable bytes
	link alias name(if any) followed by null variable bytes

	Hope this helps
	Jack Moskowitz <jackm at ardc>
	Dover, New Jersey 07801

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