DMF-32 (and clones) versus DH-11 (and clones) versus DZ/KMC-11

Steve Dyer sdyer at bbncca.ARPA
Tue Jul 10 13:49:09 AEST 1984

Sorry to be a noodge, but I find it hard to believe that no one out there
has any opinion (not to mention actual knowledge) of this issue.
Therefore, I repeat the question:

Can anyone comment on the advantages of purchasing an ersatz DMF32
(e.g., Able VMZ32) instead of the corresponding DH/DM clone?
As some of you have heard, I am trying to configure several VAX systems,
and the advantages of one over the other of these terminal multiplexers
is beyond me.  Also, comments on the DZ11/KMC combination are welcome, too.

For background, 20-25 active terminal lines at 9600 baud in a software
development enviroment.

Ah, for the good old days when only a DH-11 was reasonable...
/Steve Dyer
sdyer at bbncca.ARPA

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