f77 bug or am I doing something wrong?

phaedrus at eneevax.UUCP phaedrus at eneevax.UUCP
Sat Jun 30 00:18:15 AEST 1984

When I try to execute the following program I get an error
message that looks like this:

Error message that the machine types out to my program

write sfe: [100] error in format
logical unit 3, named 'fort.dat'
lately writing sequential formatted external IO
part of last format: (6o2|0)
Illegal instruction (core dumped)

What am I doing wrong?

By the way the "|" symbol between the 2 and the 0 is not a 
typing error the machine does it that way.

       program test
       real a(100)
       character*4 name
       do 10 j=1,n
       do 10 i=1,n
10     continue
       name='A   '
       call prpmat('fort.dat',name,n,n,0,a,0)

      subroutine prpmat(fname,id,m,n,img,xreal,ximag)
      character fname*(*)
      real xreal(m,n)
      real ximag(m,n)
      integer i,id,img,j,m,n
      write(3,*) id,m,n,img
      write(6,*) id,m,n,img
100   format(4a1,3i4)
      do 10 j=1,n
          write(3,101) (xreal(i,j), i=1,m)
              write(3,101) (ximag(i,j), i=1,m)
10    continue
101   format(6o20)

If anyone can tell me what I am doing wrong I would truly
appreciate it.

				thank you
				pravin kumar


Without hallucinogens, life itself would be impossible.

ARPA:   phaedrus%eneevax%umcp-cs at CSNet-Relay
UUCP:   {seismo,allegra,brl-bmd}!umcp-cs!eneevax!phaedrus

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