how safe is it to read/write with fopen'ed files?

Mark Plotnick mp at allegra.UUCP
Mon Aug 26 05:36:23 AEST 1985

Someone here discovered that you can speed up ethernet uucp transfers
('e' protocol in honey-danber uucp) by up to 2x by changing the
fread/fwrites in eio.c to read/writes.  They're still surrounded by
fopen/fclose, though, since cntrl.c wasn't touched.  Note that the
resulting reads and writes are the only routines called to do i/o here;
they aren't being intermixed with other freads, fwrites, putchars, or
anything like that.  Although this works OK under 4.2bsd and V8, I'm
wondering what will happen if we run the new uucp on systems such as
Ultrix and Sun, in which we can't examine the source code to
fopen/fflush/fclose.  Does anyone know if we could run into any
problems here?
	Mark Plotnick

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