clear core

Hal Perkins hal at cornell.UUCP
Fri Feb 15 09:56:37 AEST 1985

>> Now, who remembers the one-instruction core clear?
>mov	-(pc),-(pc)	; .word	014747

Ok, you got the easy one.  Now here's the harder version of the
question.  Write a PDP-11 assembly language program that will set ALL
of memory and all of the registers (except, possibly, for PC) to the
value ZERO.

I'll post an answer in a week or two if nobody gets it.

(Yes, there are at least two solutions to this.)

Hal Perkins                         UUCP: {decvax|vax135|...}!cornell!hal
Cornell Computer Science            ARPA: hal at cornell  BITNET: hal at crnlcs

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