drat,drat,& doubledrat, what's with curses

TDX sys Mark Mullen tdxsys at dartvax.UUCP
Wed Jan 23 12:44:42 AEST 1985

<line, what line. >
        I'm having terrible problems with `curses'.  It intermittantly
        screws up the screen,prints off the window, or some other such
        garbage.  There are 5 windows involved,4 dividing the window into
        quarters, the fifth overlaying most of the central sceen (60*18).

        I am satisfied(hell, I even made lint happy) that it isn't my
        code.  The manufacturer (ZILOG) says they've had some problems
        themselves, but they haven't altered the code.

        Does anyone have a bag of tricks for working with this stuff that
        they would share with me.  I'd really appreciate it.


mark @ ozone
        POB 2545/Manassas VA/22110

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