What is the "Rand" editor?

wa371 wa371 at sdcc12.UUCP
Sat Jan 26 15:18:43 AEST 1985

     Has anyone heard of the 'Rand' editor?  I found it on a
Perkin-Elmer 3210 running under UNIX-7 (Bourne and C-shell).
Where did the Rand editor originate and who supports it?
Is it from Perkin-Elmer?  It seems to be much more user-friendly
than vi.  It seems to be a page editor which draws windows, 
can display several files simultaneously, tells you at all
times what is going on, and many other neat things.
     By the way, everyone on that system prefers the Rand editor 
over vi, except for the systems administrator. And he insists
on pronouncing vi like 'vye' instead of 'vee-eye'.  (His previous job 
was with Control Data.)
Any comments? 

Bernd Riechelmann                   (Not affiliated with U.C. San Diego)
UUCP: ...!ucbvax!sdcsvax!sdcc12!wa371,   ARPA: sdcsvax!sdcc12!wa371 at nosc

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