System V communication facilities query

David Coffield david at dcl-cs.UUCP
Sat Jun 15 11:42:43 AEST 1985

Can anyone feed me some information on the interprocess communication 
facilities that are available with System V - ie what is the equivalent of
the BSD 4.2 socket on Sys V? I believe there exists an equivalent facility,
called "streams", but that's about as much as I know.

Anyone know any more?

UUCP:  ...!seismo!mcvax!ukc!icdoc!dcl-cs!david
DARPA: david%lancs.comp at ucl-cs	| Post: University of Lancaster,
JANET: david at	|	Department of Computing,
Phone: +44 524 65201 ext 4150	|	Bailrigg, Lancaster, LA1 4YR, UK.

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