Voodoo Practices

Jim Hutchison hutch at sdcsvax.UUCP
Fri May 17 02:32:17 AEST 1985


    I have just begun to learn how to hack/program device drivers,
and I seem to be seeing what might be called "voodoo" practices.

    By "voodoo" I mean practices that are done ``Because they Work''.

    3 syncs during a reboot.  One is supposed to do it, yes?no? !?!
Sync before a halting?  Halt syncs!  There are several more no doubt.
Will someone kindly elucidate, please?  If no elucidation is possible,
does anyone have a *list*, mental or otherwise, that they can post?

    "When you are dying, a wombat is better than no company at all."

	Jim Hutchison	UUCP:	{dcdwest,ucbvax}!sdcsvax!hutch

			ARPA:	hutch at sdcsvax

    < Ofcourse these statements are only mine, not my employers. >

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