2.9bsd + networking on PRO 350?

Paul Milazzo milazzo at RICE.ARPA
Thu Nov 14 04:05:39 AEST 1985

I recently saw a message from someone who has 2.9bsd with TCP/IP
networking running on a PRO 350.  Unfortunately, now that I have a use
for that very thing, I can no longer find this message.  I am in fact
beginning to doubt it ever existed.

If anyone out there knows about this code, please tell me!  If you
think it's just a sign that I'm getting old, feel free to tell me that,
too. :-)

				Paul G. Milazzo
				Dept. of Computer Science
				Rice University, Houston, TX
Domain:	milazzo at rice.EDU
ARPA:	milazzo at rice.ARPA
BITNET:	milazzo at ricecsvm
UUCP:	{cbosgd,convex,cornell,hp-pcd,shell,sun,ut-sally,waltz}!rice!milazzo

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