bsd4.2 on 11/785

Larry Linde linde at srcsip.UUCP
Wed Oct 9 09:12:59 AEST 1985

Is anyone running Bsd 4.2 on a vax 11/785? If so do you have any
problems with it just hanging (both single and multi user mode).
It seems that it does it faster if you start getting the system
busy with several tasks? Are there any changes that a standard
BSD 4.2 kernal must have made to it to run on a 785? We are running
just fine on several 750's and 780's The configuration of the 785 is
as follows:
		11/785 cpu
		12mb memory (i know it only sees 8mb)
		il1010 (interlan ethernet card)

This the the gerneric kernal that is hanging so it is not any 
mods that I have made. Also yes we have a source license.

Also while i am at it does anyone have a driver for the tu81?
If so how do i obtain it?


I   Usenet:{philabs,ihnp4!umn-cs}!srcsip!linde /Larry Linde  MN17-234      I
I  Arpanet:   Linde at HI-MULTICS                / 2600 Ridgway Pky.          I
I                                  US-SNAIL: /  Mpls, MN  55413            I

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