need help with multi-reel cpio

Brian Parent bparent at sdcc13.UUCP
Fri Apr 18 03:36:05 AEST 1986

I'm having trouble with cpio going to multiple reels.  It seems to 
write to the additional reels fine, but I have yet to successfully 
read the second reel.
(At this point I'm assuming cpio is supposed to be able to handle multiple
reels because of some vague recollection of a news article stating it
could be done.  Nothing in the manual page talks of this.)

This is on an AT&T 3B20 system V.
To write to the tape I use:

	find / -mtime -7 -print | cpio -ocB > /dev/rmt/0m

When it says:

	errno: 28, Can't write output

I mount the next reel and type:


and it seems to finish its job normally.
Then to read the tape for a table of contents I use:

	cpio -iBct < /dev/rmt/0m > file

When it says:

	errno: 14, Can't read input

I mount the next reel just as when writing.
But here it begins to print out garbage into 'file' and either complains it
is out of phase, try -c option, or errno 14 again (the tape is not at the end
of the reel), and sometimes errno 9.

If anyone has had any luck with this, or can confirm the bug, please
let me know.  A means of making multiple reel incremental dumps would save
me a lot of headaches.

Thanks in advance,
	Brian Parent


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