New release of IBIS

Zuwang Ruan ruan at purdue.UUCP
Sun Aug 10 14:10:22 AEST 1986

A new release of the network file access package of IBIS (1.4) is now
available.  IBIS is a distributed file system developed at Purdue University.
It provides for file access transparency, allowing remote files to be
accessed (and executed, if executable) with the same interface as
local files.  It is implemented above kernel, and is easy to be installed
on different types of machines.

The new release of IBIS (1.4) is running under UNIX 4.2BSD,
with or without Sun NFS.  It works for heterogeneous hardware.
The release includes the machine-dependent codes for Vax and
Sun workstations.  It is easy to port it to other types
of hardware.  With minor changes it also works under UNIX 4.3BSD.

Retrieving IBIS

Normally you should retrieve IBIS through the network.  The best way is to
use FTP.  You can ftp to Purdue (,, using ftp
as your login name, and your own login name as the password.  Be sure to make
your transfer in 8-bit image mode.  If you use UUCP, put the following
line in your L.sys file:

purdue Any0000-0800 ACU 1200 1-317-494-6800 "" ^M CLASS ARTHUR GO ^M in-BREAK-in uucp word Arthur.UUCP

There are a file named ibis.instruct and an archive file ibis.tar in
both ~ftp/pub and ~uucp.

			  Zuwang Ruan
			  Department of Computer Sciences
			  Purdue University
			  West Lafayette, IN 47907
			  ruan at purdue
			  {ihnp4, allegra, decwrl}!purdue!ruan

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