How can ditroff fonts be modified???

Susan S. Duchene duchene at noscvax.UUCP
Sat Feb 22 05:01:23 AEST 1986

Some character widths in our troff fonts have been  incorrect  so
we  have  had  to modify them accordingly.  I know how to do this
with the troff fonts, but now we have problems reported with some
of  the  ditroff font characters.  I know the fonts for these are
located in /usr/lib/font/devXXX,  where  XXX  is  the  designated
device printer name.  The font names here conform to X.out, where
X is the abreviated name of the font type.  They appear to be  in
binary form.  Does anyone out there know where the readable width
tables are, and what program is used to translate these into  the
fonts  (X.out) or ditroff??  I've looked in the Makefile, README,
and some of the source code and haven't  found  the  answer  yet.

                         -Susan          duchene at nosc

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