make questions

mcdaniel at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU mcdaniel at uiucdcsb.CS.UIUC.EDU
Sat Feb 15 10:35:00 AEST 1986

(1) Is "The Fourth Generation Make" publicly available?  If not, will
it be soon?

(2) A friend would like to perform the following task

	for each *.c file younger than gen.a
		cc -c -g that file
	ar ruv gen.a *.o
	ranlib gen.a
	rm *.o

He has a shell script of about 15 lines; I'd like to see if it can be
done in make (BSD 4.2).  Is it possible, easy and efficient, or is it
better to use the shell script?  (Notes:  there are about 500 .c files,
and more may be added later:  the makefile should not have to be edited
just for more source files, and make variable storage may overflow.
Only .o files for newly-edited .c files will exist, and then only for a
few moments.)


Tim McDaniel; CSRD at the Silicon Prairie
(Center for Supercomputing Research and Development at the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Internet: mcdaniel at
(Or try: mcdaniel%uicsrd.csrd at
Arpa, for old mailers: mcdaniel at
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