Sys V.1 acctcom(1) question

George Aguiar ext. 224 geo at necis.UUCP
Fri Feb 7 00:19:39 AEST 1986

    I have a question regarding acctcom.  When running a test program  with
the  following  signal catching function I notice a discrepency between the
time printed out by sigcatch() and the END TIME in /usr/adm/pacct for  this

> void sigcatch()
> {
> long tloc;
>         time(&tloc);
>         printf("quitting time: %s\n",ctime(&tloc));
>         exit(0);
> }

Here is what the test program prints out when I "kill PID" it from csh:

> quitting time: Wed Feb  5 16:02:19 1986

And here is the entry from acctcom(1) for this particular process:

>COMMAND                      START    END          REAL     CPU    MEAN
>NAME         USER   TTYNAME  TIME     TIME       (SECS)  (SECS) SIZE(K)
>test1      geo      tty04    16:02:12 16:02:17     5.08    0.25   12.60

Note the END TIME from acctcom says  the  process  terminated  at  16:02:17
however, the process printed out that it was alive and well at 16:02:19!

Any ideas??


"There lies before us, if  we  choose,  continual  progress  in  happiness,
knowledge,  and wisdom.  Shall we, instead, choose death, because we cannot
forget out quarrels?  We appeal, as human beings to human beings:  remember
you humanity and forget the rest".

				Bertrand Russel-Albert Einstein Manifesto

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