Database software for UNIX systems

840033@G.Pavlov pavlov at hscfvax.UUCP
Mon Jan 20 14:11:56 AEST 1986

 If the goal is to settle upon a common dbms that will be effective for a wide
 range of applications (my assumption, since it sounds like a number of sites
 are involved), then I personally do not believe that either Unify or Informix
 is the "answer".  Of current dbms's for Unix systems, I would choose Ingres or

 - this is based on hands-on evaluations of 5 dbms's (including Unify, but not
   Informix), discussions with managers at apx. 30 sites using one or more of
   the dbms's mentioned above, and discussions on this net over the past 12

   by Ingres, I mean the "commercial version", distributed by Relational Technoo-
   logy, Inc.

       greg pavlov, fstrf, amherst, ny


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