Need help with C

Fishhook spw2562 at ritcv.UUCP
Thu Jan 30 04:41:32 AEST 1986

    I'm having some problems with structures in a C program I've been
    writing.  I have a structure declared as follows:

    struct datestruct
	char month, day, year;

    Further on I have a structure declared:

    struct dbstruct
	double ...
	struct datestruct date;

    and the declarations:

    struct datestruct date;
    struct dbstruct dbase[63];

    I try to do a comparison between these, i.e.

        ( date == dbase[loop].date )

    but the compiler blows up on this, saying the two are incompatible.
    I'm almost positive I've done this sort of thing before, and can't
    seem to find why it won't work.  Anyone have any ideas/suggestions
    as to why this is?

    Also, is there a better newsgroup for these type of inquiries?

        Steve Wall @ Rochester Institute of Technology
        Usenet: ..!rochester!ritcv!spw2562        (Fishhook)   Unix 4.2 BSD
        BITNET: SPW2562 at RITVAXC                   (Snoopy)     VAX/VMS 4.2

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