printcap questions

JABBA the HUT ins_ajbh at jhunix.UUCP
Thu Nov 27 08:36:05 AEST 1986

Ok. I have a generic laser printer that I want to run off
a tty line under BSD. It is one of the standard types where
you send an escape string like "ESC-eESC&k3l ..." to configure
it and then send the stuff to be printed. It has, apparently,
no tab stops. The  question is 

	   I want to enable Ctrl-S, Ctrl-Q flow control with
	   the ability to pass escape strings AND have it do the
	   XTABS expansion. I tried a couple combinations of raw
	   and cbreak and no dice. Does anyone have a handy 
	   combination of xs,xc,fs,fc to do the job?. If not I
	   can use the filter option of printcap to do the tab
	   expansion and run in raw mode since I have to prefix the
	   ESC string onto the data anyway.

No big deal. I'm just curious and don't feel like the usual
two out of three falls with the tty driver. Seems like it should
be doable by setting some of the 10,000 tty bits.



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