Bug in Mail (4.2bsd ucb/Mail)

Barry Shein bzs at BU-CS.BU.EDU
Fri Oct 3 02:04:16 AEST 1986

Does anyone know off-hand the fix to a bug in replying to mail
which causes a repeated reply address, for example:

[this is on a SUN running 3.0 but I've seen it on our vanilla 4.2bsd VAX also]

 [start a Mail Session]

 From homer at bu-cs.bu.edu Tue Sep 30 20:58:11 1986
 Received: by bu-cs.bu.edu (5.31/4.7)
 	id AA21517; Tue, 30 Sep 86 20:58:06 EDT
 Return-Path: <homer at bu-cs.bu.edu>
 Received: by bucse.bu.edu (5.31/4.7)
	id AA16172; Tue, 30 Sep 86 20:57:55 EDT
 Date: Tue, 30 Sep 86 20:57:55 EDT
 From: homer at bu-cs.bu.edu
 Message-Id: <8610010057.AA16172 at bucse.bu.edu>
 To: ab, alpert, karenl, veress
 Subject: changes
 Status: RO


 & R				[note: SUN flips the sense of R and r]
 To: veress at bu-cs.bu.edu veress at bu-cs.bu.edu veress at bu-cs.bu.edu veress at bu-cs.bu.edu
     homer at bu-cs.bu.edu
 Subject: Re:  changes


I'll try to hunt it down but I suspect someone already has, thanks in
advance if you have a fix.

	-Barry Shein, Boston University

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