Paper describing differences between SYS-V and 4.3

elias at batcomputer.UUCP elias at batcomputer.UUCP
Wed Oct 22 00:27:08 AEST 1986

...i've been told that there is a fairly large troff-paper,
supposedly given at a Usenix conference, which does a comprehensive
job of describing the differences between etc. etc. etc...

...anybody got a copy on-line? PLEASE DON'T SEND ONE!  ...just
let me know that you've got one, and what the best path is for
me to grab it with anon-ftp.

Much thanks, etc. etc. etc
|Doug Elias                                                   |
|  ARPA     -->  elias at                 |
|  UUCP     -->  ..!decvax!cornell!batcomputer!elias          |
|  USnail   -->  265 Olin Hall,                               |
|                Theory Center,                               |
|                Cornell U.                                   |
|                Ithaca N.Y. 14853                            |
|  MaBelle  -->  (607) 255-8686                               |

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