find . -size +100000 doesn't seem to work

Dan Ehrlich ehrlich at psuvax1.UUCP
Tue Oct 14 05:30:33 AEST 1986

I have been trying to use find to locate files larger than a given size
in our /usr/spool/mail directory.  Running as root the following command
is issued:

	# find /usr/spool/mail -size +100000 -print

No output is generated.  Can someone give me a hint as to what is going
on?  The man page says that "+n" means "more than n".  Is this a bug in
the find program?

Thanks in advance.

--Daniel Ehrlich
CSNET:	  ehrlich at penn-state.csnet	USPS: The Pennsylvania State University
INTERNET: ehrlich at	      Department of Computer Science
UUCP: 	  ...!ihnp4!psuvax1!ehrlich	      334B Whitmore Laboratory
BITNET:	  ehrlich at psuvax1.bitnet	      University Park, PA   16802
					BELL: (814) 863-1142
"The sky is blue so we know where to stop mowing."  Judge Harold T. Stone

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