Hints on MicroVax II configuration

Peter Ivanov peteri at elecvax.eecs.unsw.oz
Mon Sep 8 16:03:37 AEST 1986

A department in our university plans to buy a MicroVaxII and have got
a range of quotes from various suppliers, including DEC.
Leaving aside the basics of the total disk capacity etc, can some people who
know mail me some hints on what makes these machines go fast.
Are there common dos and donts for configuring them? For example do they handle
terminal io well on dumb multiplexers or do they really need intelligent
controllers. Are there options that should be purshased from the start?


Peter Ivanov           Telephone:
School of EE and CS    +61 2 697 4042
University of NSW      Network mail:
PO Box 1               ACSNetwork:  peteri at elecvax.oz
Kensington NSW 2033    UUCP: {{seismo, hplabs, ubc-vision, mcvax, enea, ukc,
AUSTRALIA                     prlb2}!munnari, decvax!mulga}!elecvax.oz!peteri

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