"Sun OS -- Current Research" BOF at Usenix

John Gilmore gnu at hoptoad.uucp
Wed Jan 14 17:57:04 AEST 1987

The Sun User Group cordially invites you to attend a SUG sponsored
BOF session at USENIX:

 WHAT:	"Sun OS - Current Research"

  WHO: 	Sun Microsystems Inc.
   	A discussion of current Sun OS research by Sun experts including:
		Rob Gingell
		Bill Shannon
		Martha Vivoli

 WHEN:	Wednesday, January 21st - 6pm to 8pm

WHERE:	The Congressional Room
	Omni-Shoreham Hotel
	Washington, D.C.

  WHY:	To increase our understanding of the evolving Sun OS environment.
John Gilmore  {sun,ptsfa,lll-crg,ihnp4}!hoptoad!gnu   gnu at ingres.berkeley.edu
for the Sun User Group

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