Wanted - ALIAS Wizard

Bryan Burgess bburgess at gara.une.oz
Mon Aug 15 12:37:42 AEST 1988

I have a little script I would like to convert to an alias in my .cshrc file,
however I have had no luck trying, I just can't seem to get the csh to ignor
the bits I don't want it to read, and to read the bits it should etc

Can anyone give me a script that will work, below is the one line script
and a sample data file


cat data | sed -n '/^#N[ 	]*'$1'/,/^[# 	]*$/p'


#N fred
#U more stuff
#R hello

#N jim
#U even more stuff
#R ehehe

Please Email any replies to...

Bryan Burgess              |
University of New England  | ACSNET: bburgess at gara.une.oz
Armidale N.S.W. 2350       | UUCP: ...!uunet!munnari!gara.une.oz!bburgess
AUSTRALIA                  | ARPA: bburgess%gara.une.oz at uunet.uu.net

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