Streams etc.

Paul Fox fox at marlow.uucp
Tue Aug 16 07:43:13 AEST 1988

Can somebody please explain to me how it is possible to use
Unix V.3 streams with respect to putting the streams modules off onto
an intelligent board ?

>From an academic point of view, and having browsed the streams
programers guide et al., there seems to be a problem with
accessing modules. In a normal kernel, the user writes a driver
conforming to the rules in the manual. The kernel presumably
knows which modules are present by virtue of the config file, and
the struct minfo information.

If I have a set of modules which run in the kernel, and now
wish to off-load the host, by placing the code on the
board, the kernel no longer knows which modules are available
for I_LINKing and I_PUSHing etc. What is the correct way to
do this ?


     //        o      All opinions are my own.
   (O)        ( )     The powers that be ...
  /    \_____( )
 o  \         |
  _/_/   _/_/         UUCP:     fox at marlow.uucp

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