What is the hostname?

Shankar Unni shankar at hpclscu.HP.COM
Tue Feb 2 07:28:03 AEST 1988

> the internet address of the PC? i.e. I notice that Debbie is using
> tty T0. What is the host address of the machine that Debbie is using?
> I've wracked my brains and can't figure out how to determine this.
> The information has to be hiding somehwere and I want to bring it
> to the surface. Thanks in advance.

I posted this question on an internal forum sometime back (having somewhat the
same concerns). The answer seems to be: BSD-style unixes (unices?) have a
place in the utmp entry for the hostname of the originator of a remote session.
Sys5-style unices don't. The suggestions I got were: (a) hack up login/telnet/
rlogin etc. to put hostname info in the utmp entries or (b) do an ugly search
of utmp entries, inetd logs, etc to match up entries to figure out who the
originator was. Needless to say, it is not an easy task...

Can someone else confirm this for me?

Shankar Unni                                   allegra)
Arpa Mail: shankar at hpda.HP.COM            UUCP: ucbvax)!hplabs!hpda!shankar
AT&T: (408) 447-5797                            decwrl)

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