File checker: A summary

Andrew Duane X5993 duane at cg-atla.UUCP
Tue Jul 26 23:30:30 AEST 1988

In article <8807221517.aa00760 at SEM.BRL.ARPA>, dsill at arpa.nswc-oas (Dave Sill) writes:
> 7) Dave Curry gave me a copy of his program `fcc', File Consistency
> Checker.  This turned out to be everything I wanted.
> I've made several changes to fcc and fci, and have Dave's permission
> to distribute copies of the source, which includes a makefile and man
> pages, to anybody that wants them.  Drop me a line and I'll send you
> the shar file.
> -Dave

	Sorry for the posting, but my mailer can't seem to find
you.... I am interested in the fcc/fci pair. It would be
valuable for many things, primarily for installation control on
our machines. Please mail me the shar file at one of the
addresses in my .signature below. (decvax or ulowell are usually
the best routes).

Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)  w:(508)-658-5600 X5993  h:(603)-434-7934
Compugraphic Corp.			 decvax!cg-atla!duane
200 Ballardvale St.		       ulowell/ \laidback
Wilmington, Mass. 01887		   cbosgd!ima/   \cgeuro
Mail Stop 200II-3-5S		     ism780c/     \wizvax

Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's out pestering mice.

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