UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#069

Robert J. Reschly Jr. reschly at BRL.ARPA
Sun Jun 26 15:58:46 AEST 1988


   The latest duplicates were caused by a broken mailer in the UK
returning rejected mail to the entire list instead of the sender.  Not
much I (as list maintainer) can do about that without tying up excessive
amounts of time.  The problem has been fixed, and the duplicates should
have stopped by the time you get this reply.

   Traffic submitted to the list shows up on the Internet side as either
digests or messages depending on the source of the traffic.  Messages
received via the Internet or BITNET are immediately reflected to the
list.  Messages received via netnews (USENET) are gathered into digests
which are sent daily.

  All traffic shows up as individual messages on the USENET side.  Any
digests showing up there are leaks (usually due to broken mailers)....

Phone:  (301)278-6678   AV: 298-6678    FTS: 939-6678
Arpa:   reschly at BRL.ARPA        UUCP:   ...!brl-smoke!reschly
Postal: Robert J. Reschly Jr.
        Advanced Computer Systems Team
        Systems Engineering and Concepts Analysis Division
        U.S. Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
        ATTN: SLCBR-SE  (Reschly)
        APG, MD  21005-5066             (Hey, *I* don't make 'em up!)

****  For a good time, call: (303) 499-7111.   Seriously!  ****

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