Kermit Unix-pc file transfers

Gil Kloepfer Jr. gil at limbic.UUCP
Thu Jun 2 10:40:11 AEST 1988

In article <7086 at> sekoppenhoef at (Shawn E Koppenhoefer) writes:
|>I am having enormous difficulty trying to transfer a file to and from 
|>the Unix mainframe and my external pc computer. I've logged in through
|>a sytek port and then used CALL to get onto my Unix account Dahlia
|>Then all i want to do is transfer a file.
|>Since I'm sure there are other people who are new to Unix (or will be)
|>and will probably have a similar problem, I've posted this here.
|> Shawn Koppenhoefer (CS C&O U of Waterloo) sekoppenhoef at

I have had some problems using C-Kermit on my UNIX-pc transfering files from
it to a VAX (running VMS).

I found that the parity was set inconsistently on the two machines (this is
the SET PARITY {ODD EVEN NONE MARK SPACE} command).  When both machines were
set identically, kermit worked just peachy.

The method used to transfer a file (simple):, get into kermit on the remote
machine, make sure the parities are the same, then use:

		r-kermit> send <file>

Escape back to your local system, and type:

		l-kermit> receive

There are ways of sending multiple files, doing remote slave (server) things-
this is the simplest method.  Try checking the parity and transfering a small

| Gil Kloepfer, Jr.                  | Net-Address:                           |
| ICUS Computer Group, Systems Dvlp. | {boulder,ihnp4,talcott}!icus!limbic!gil|
| P.O. Box 1                         | Voice-net: (516) 968-6860              |
| Islip Terrace, New York  11752     | Othernet: limbic!gil at icus.UUCP         |

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