RT & NFS???

grogers at uiucdcsm.cs.uiuc.edu grogers at uiucdcsm.cs.uiuc.edu
Tue Mar 22 07:20:00 AEST 1988

IBM has announced intent to support NFS under AOS 4.3 on the RT.  However,
I need it NOW.  Does anyone know where I can get it?

Greg Rogers
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of Computer Science
1304 W. Springfield Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801

(217) 333-6174

	UUCP:	{pur-ee,convex,inhp4}!uiucdcs!grogers
	ARPA:	grogers at m.cs.uiuc.edu
	CSNET:	grogers%uiuc at csnet-relay

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