UNIX/Ultrix/Eunice ...?

SHUTTER%ITHACA.BITNET at cornellc.ccs.cornell.edu SHUTTER%ITHACA.BITNET at cornellc.ccs.cornell.edu
Fri May 6 22:59:49 AEST 1988


I've been charged with the task of finding the various life forms that
call themselves "unix based" systems.  Specifically, we are currently
running Ultrix on an 11/750.  I need to know the names, pros, cons, and
prices of the various unix's shells that can live within VMS and the
names, pros, cons, and prices of the unix's that run on micros (IBM's,
Mac's, and workstations [any flavor]).  If this looks like an effort
on by bosses part to push unix off into its own little corner, you are
right.  Any pointers to where I can collect this information would be
greatly appreciated.

Please send mail to me directly.  If asked to, I can post a summary
of responses.  Thanks again.

Wendy Shutter

shutter at ithaca.bitnet
(or shutter%ithaca.bitnet at cunyvm.cuny.edu)

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