Weird Problem with cat

Mark Nagel nagel at
Fri Nov 25 03:51:04 AEST 1988

In article <PS72234.88Nov22020044 at>, ps72234 at naakka (Pertti Suomela) writes:
|In article <41 at eplrx7.UUCP> mcneill at eplrx7.UUCP (mcneill) writes:
|   eplrx7 {root} % cat ~mcneill/.login
|   cat: write error bad file number
|Tcsh (I don't know if you were running it) contains a bug.

It isn't just tcsh -- csh has the same bug.  So the problem is in
the original csh source, not in anything extra tcsh brings along.
What the actual problem is?  I'm as clueless as the next person!  If
anyone knows what's going on here, please, feel free to give us a

Mark D. Nagel
  UC Irvine - Dept of Info and Comp Sci | radiation n. 1. the act or process
  nagel at             (ARPA)  | of radiating.  2. smog with an
  {sdcsvax|ucbvax}!ucivax!nagel (UUCP)  | attitude.

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