Problem with find(1)

Paul Matz paul at ppgbms
Thu Oct 13 07:41:23 AEST 1988

In article <922 at riddle.UUCP>, domo at riddle.UUCP (Dominic Dunlop) writes:
> In article <108 at forsight.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> roston at (Gerry Roston) writes:
>I am having a problem with find on various Suns (3/260, 3/60) running
>Sun OS (3.5, 4.0).  The problem is as follows:  
> [Stuff about ways of speeding up find]
>Does anyone have any ideas how I can simply skip news/spool?
One way to skip certain subdirectories is to specify where find is to
begin its search in the directory tree.  Doing a:

	find / ...

will start at the root, and look at everything.  Giving a more exact
position in the tree to start will cause it to look starting at that
level and below, and may speed it up a bit.  Also, wildcard file 
specifications don't work the way you might expect with the "-name"
option.  Generally, you need to use double quotes around the wild-card spec.
Finally, the "-print" option must be last, or at least after other options 
such as "-newer", "-ctime", etc.

The other thing that came to mind was the use of "whereis".  There's
always that command for searching for source, binary or manual sections,
and is pretty fast.

Hope that helps.

Paul Matz  PPG Biomedical Systems  ppgbms!paul

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