unix question: files per directory

David W. Barts dxxb at beta.lanl.gov
Tue Apr 11 06:42:21 AEST 1989

How many files can there be in a single UNIX directory
(I realize this may depend on the variety of UNIX; I expect
the Berkeley fast file system would allow more)?  I need
a better answer than "a lot" or "at least 2000", if possible.

(This concerns an application program we are currently running
on an Apollo under Aegis; it depends on a LOT of files being
in a single directory and Aegis's limit of 1500 or so can
be a pain.)

I realize that as directories get bigger, they slow down, but
how much?  Just what IS the maximum directory size?

			Thanks in advance,
David W. Barts  N5JRN, Ph. 509-376-1718 (FTS 444-1718), dxxb at beta.lanl.GOV
BCS Richland Inc.                  |       603 1/2 Guernsey St.
P.O. Box 300, M/S A2-90            |       Prosser, WA  99350
Richland, WA  99352                |       Ph. 509-786-1024

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