replacement for putenv()

Leo de Wit leo at philmds.UUCP
Sun Feb 12 05:12:21 AEST 1989

In article <549 at marob.MASA.COM> rogol at (Fred Buck) writes:
|    /* see if this variable is already in environment */
|    i = (-1);
|    while (environ[++i]) {
|        if (strncmp(string,environ[i],namelen)==0) {  /* It's there */
|                /* if we can just patch it, do so and return */
|            if (strlen(string)<=strlen(environ[i])) {
|                strcpy(environ[i],string); return(0);
|            }
|            else break;
|        }
|    }
|        /* OK, allocate a spot for 'string' and copy it there */
|    cptr = malloc(strlen(string)+1);
|    if (cptr==0) return(-1);          /* can't malloc */
|    strcpy(cptr,string);
|        /* no env at all; or else var exists but's too small to hold 'string' */
|    if (i==0 || environ[i]) {  
|        environ[i] = cptr; return(0);     /* ok, done */
|    }

If i == 0 (no env at all), you end up overwriting the terminating null
ptr (environ[0]). So the last three lines should read:

    if (environ[i] != (char *)0) {        /* or simply: if (environ[i]) */
        environ[i] = cptr; return(0);     /* ok, done */

Now for i == 0 a array for two char ptrs is allocated in the code that follows.


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